Saturday, May 07, 2011

Force 5 at Killington

Jeff and I had a great days sailing on Monday, with thanks to Dave for lending the wetsuit, and to Pete and Gareth for giving us the confidence.
Pete had been teaching some beginners in the high winds all weekend, but had reached the limit of what he could show them, and had decided to postpone for a quieter day when they would be able to take the helm. They were disappointed, and so were we as we hoped to have the benefit of them being on the lake. But Pete encouraged us, so with a reef in the mainsale, (thanks to Tony last week), the jib furled but ready for use if needed, and the centre board only half down, we set off to see how it went.
We were not alone on the lake, for as Pete and Gareth had predicted, the high winds did bring two windsurfers out. We were glad for their company and glad that there were other users on the lake.
The wind was strong and coming from the North East. I had only seen a northerly wind once before, on Easter Monday, but then it was nearer North, and was blowing down the channel on the other side of the island. This day the channel was in the lee of the island, and quite calm.
It was a great day sailing.  After some tacks to and fro across the lake we headed up wind, the north east corner seemed to need repeated short tacks to get there, but we managed it OK each time.
There was definitely less healing with less centreboard, but even so there were some interesting moments with the gusts.  With no jib, there was less for Jeff to do as crew, but he got the hang of moving about OK.  It was generally quite easy to see the wind direction from the waves, and the gusts from the darker patches of water, although sometimes the gusts started with a change in wind direction, causing the sale to flap before hitting it with force.
It was a sunny day, and when the wind eased off and we had time to look around there were some glorious moments, with the sun shining across the water.  We had two or three breaks, and I am glad to say I did a better job of brining the boat into the jetty that the previous week.  Most of the time we stayed fairly dry, but when the wind was at its strongest there were a few splashes coming over the bows, which added to the fun.

Toward the end of the afternoon, the wind grew stronger again, and it was even more of a struggle to keep the boat steady, so we came in and called it a day. A great Day.

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