Sunday, August 19, 2012

A Father's Blessing

John & Kim, dearly loved, greatly treasured, highly esteemed.

As you have each been as individuals, so may you ever be, and all the more so, as a married couple.

May the son of man, who did not come to be served, but to serve, and give his life as a ransom for many, be your helper as you learn to love and serve each other in marriage.

May the Lord lead you and bless you richly, in friendship, in hospitality, in parenting, in mentoring, in ministry, in witness, in music, and in celebration.

And in all that the Lord leads you into, may you ever find time and space for one another in the marriage, so that you will each know yourselves, to be loved, treasured and esteemed by the other.

June 23rd 2012.

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