Friday, July 01, 2016

Ode to Mike

Ode to Mike
Recited by a colleague at my last day of work.

After 32 years of working, taking the pressure and at times being on the wire,
Mike has decided it's now his time to take it easy and just retire.

He's folded up his spreadsheets and packed away his data,
from now his catch phrase will be - I'll do it later!

He has done many a job in his time,
but scraping wax off the wick room floor was when he was at his prime.

His role as accountant for so many years
must have really, really bored him to tears

When Robert left after years of company devotion,
Mike sought his chance and gained that desired promotion.

Mike was elevated to his new post
company secretary a role that's mystery to most.

But Andrew and I know better than all,
his duty and diligence has protected the company from many a potential fall.

He's crossed the t's and dotted the i's, being a happy little soul,
Mike's filled his company secretary role.

We 3 have dealt with some serious stuff in the past,
but there are many happy memories of when we just had a blast.

Come sailing he said to Andrew and me,
you'll be safe, we are on a lake not out on open sea,

I had a vision of sipping wine on the deck,
but I was not the only one squashed into wet suit and left looking like a wreck.

On open water he taught us to jib, jibe and hoist up the main sail,
what my hair looked like at the end of the day, that's completely another tale!

It's not just sailing that Mike tends to like,
he's also keen to take to the roads on his bike.

I think it's a male thing and a lot of palarvour,
but him and Andrew get very competitive when comparing their strava!

We'll miss you Mike I am sure you know,
but need you to solve one final mystery before you go.

This bunch of keys you are responsible for and there's more than just a few,
have you, or any other company secretary over the last 130 years, any idea what they do?

As you are about to leave us now this week,
we want to say in axapta dimensional speak

Cand, wood, meta, wick and vest
Wish you Mike! health, happiness and all the very best!

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