Sunday, October 14, 2012

Habakkuk Tay

If you are in the house when I leave in the morning, you may hear me wishing you a good day. On the other hand you may think that is what you hear, but the words that I actually say may be, just slightly, different.

When it comes to having a good day, or keeping a positive attitude whatever the circumstances bring, you can do a lot worse than Habakkuk 3:17-18

Friday, October 12, 2012


As much as I enjoyed reading Madeline Miller's book, The Song of Achilles, I cannot help feeling, on reflection, that Achilles is a poor role model to set before our young people.
Then as now, children need fathers, and Achilles behaviour in abandoning his wife, pregnant with their child, cannot be condoned, and does much to explain Pyrrhus delinquent behaviour.
Nor can Achilles be said to have served the Greek people well. That he should, for the sake of a petty quarrel with one of his fellow princes, sit idly by while his people were being slaughtered is incomprehensible.
Moreover his much vaunted fighting ability is seen to owe as much to his armour as any expertise on his part, as demonstrated by Patroclus' feats when he wore it.
But it is not fair to judge Achilles by today's standards. Surely his greatest failing was not protecting what he loved most. Had he chosen to fight at Patroclus side and defend him as he had promised, we would today be mingling with the descendents of Briseis and Patroclus. That is our loss and Achilles shame.

Call Mr. Robeson

We were well entertained by Tayo Aluko last Saturday.
It was just as well. We were kept waiting in the foyer and stairway for over half an hour after, while they sorted out some technical details to do with the performance being recorded. We were feeling quite hot and bothered by the time it got started.  Part way into the program, he gave a great rendition of old man river, which drew a good round of applause, and the wait was forgotten.
Paul Robeson was a singer, actor and entertainer, who used his fame to advance the lot of his fellow black Americans, and oppressed people around the world. He made friends with striking Welsh coal miners, and in Russia, where he first tasted the freedom of not being looked down on for his colour. Such friendships did not go down well in the McCarthy era, and he found himself isolated, impoverished and in poor health during much of the fifties.
All this was colourfully portrayed by by Tayo, who played the part of Robeson as an old man, telling the story of his loves, his passions and events from his life, and singing some of his songs.  There was just one pianist accompanying him on the stage.
It is an inspiring story, well told, and a good evenings entertainment.  At the end Tayo answered a few questions put to him by the audience at the Capstone Theatre, where he spoke about his admiration for the man.

Thursday, September 27, 2012


Her Britannic Majesty's
Secretary of State
Requests and requires in the
Name of Her Majesty
all those whom it may concern
to allow the bearer to pass freely
without let or hindrance,
and afford to the bearer
such assistance and protection
as may be necessary.

My new passport arrived today, complete with pictures of an acorn on the inside back cover, oak leaves on the inside front cover, and pictures of various landscapes on the middle pages.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Meal times

We stayed with a family of six in America for a week leading up to our son's wedding in June, and on the first day we arranged to have lunch with our hosts.  We are glad we did, because it was the only meal we had with the four of us together all week.

How did we manage to stay a whole week and not sit down for an evening meal together?
  • We arrived on the Sunday, and met the parents of the bride for the first time, and she cooked enchiladas  for us all. We felt welcomed by Kim's parents right from the start.
  • On Monday John & Kim wanted to take both lots of parents for a meal together. An evening remembered for the number of restaurants that were closed and how how hot it still was at 10.30pm when we left.
  • Tuesday was Baseball night in Milwaukee for some, complete with beer and hot dog with fries, and preparing table decorations for others.
  • The bride's shower and the groom's bachelor party were both on Wednesday, so we ended up at two different venues. I stayed at home, as our hosts were hosting the bachelor party.
  • On Thursday we started preparing the trifles. My part was a shopping trip, all the more fun as John arrived just in time to come with me. The younger ones watched a movie downstairs, and we got pizzas in.
  • The wedding rehearsal was on Friday evening, and we did get to eat with our hosts, and about 50 others at Pazzo's, with trifles for afters.
  • The wedding on Saturday was wonderful, and on Sunday we went home.
We may not have had many meals together, but we were well looked after by our hosts.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

The Song of Achilles

This is a great story and a very enjoyable read. Madeline Miller has made ancient Greece and the battle for Troy to be accessible, believable and fun. The story is told in the first person by Patroclus, Achilles friend and companion.

It is hard to believe, in the opening chapters, that anything good can happen in Patroclus' life. Motherless, a disappointment to his father, a natural victim, he fights back against one of his tormentors, who falls, hitting his head and dies. Patroclus is exiled to Phthia, and has every reason to hate Phthia's prince Achilles, who has taken for himself Patroclus' only possession, his mother's lyre.

But Achilles has chosen Patroclus as his companion, his therapon, his brother-in-arms. The friendship grows in childhood, through their education by Chiron the centaur, in hiding on the Isle of Scyros, and eventually what Achilles was born for, the battle for Troy.

It is a strange world, Greece in the age of heroes, where the gods have children with mortals, take sides in battles, and men value honour and reputation more than happiness or friendship. Men fight in mortal combat all day but shake hands at dusk when the heralds say it is time to stop.

What makes it such an enjoyable read is Miller's handling of the psychology. Whether it is a boy's feelings about change, a father's hope for his children, a woman's choice in difficult circumstances, or a prince's reaction to not being honoured as he expects; it is all very believable and real.

It would be a rare book to have no sex, and this one includes homosexual love, but it is understated and not overly emphasised.  The battle lust is much more vividly portrayed.

What turns the book from an absorbing experience to the thrilling page turner in the final chapters is not sex, or battlefield. Nor is it medicine or Patroclus' bravery, or the loyalty of the slave girl Briseis,  though they deserve mentioning.  It is the relationship between the Greek princes.  

It is their petty jealousies, their blind pride, the perceived insults and failure to back down which cause the calamities, and gives the story its momentum.  The book is a wonderful introduction to the world of Homer, and much more easy to read.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Driving in Kenosha

Earlier this year I had my first experience of driving in America. We were lent a black Kia, and I became a Dallas Cowboys supporter for the week.

I was glad to be picked up from the airport, and see how Americans drive on the interstate. They have a relaxed attitude to lanes, overtaking on the inside rather than getting wound up at people staying in an outside or middle lane.  Quite a good idea, really.
Apart from one trip to watch a baseball game in Milwaukee, all my driving was in Kenosha and Pleasant Prairie. I am sure Chicago and downtown Milwaukee would have been a bit different, but the experience was quite relaxed.
The roads are generally straight, and quite wide, and there is very little on street parking, and plenty of parking by the shops. The speed limits are relatively slow, 45, 35 and 25mph, and the car was automatic with air conditioning, and we were on holiday.
Of course driving on the right was different, and a couple of occasions I would have caused an accident, but for a sharp cry from Ann in the passenger seat or good reactions the other driver. There was also a slight sense of unease, on turning left on a wider road, as if there might be traffic on the other side of the road coming from behind rather than in front.

I found it difficult to get used to the four way stop.  These also served to make the driving feel relaxed, because when you get to one of these you slow right down and stop, even when you can see there is no other car there. If there is another car already there, you give way to them.
It is so different to almost every junction here  in the UK where one road is the major road with right of way, and the other is the minor road and gives way.  I arrived at one four way stop from what felt a very minor road, when a truck was coming from left to right - all my instincts were to stay still until he had passed, but it did not happen  -- he started to slow down, and I needed to move off so as to not delay him more than necessary. It did feel weird.
There is not a great deal of difference between the look of a stop sign at a minor road, and a four way stop, which got me beeped at on one occasion. After stopping at what I thought was a four way stop I started to go expecting the car yet to arrive at the stop would do the same. Well he did, and beeped at me, because he had the right of way.

Finding you way around Kenosha is very easy. All the Avenues run North South, and are numbered from the   shoreline out to the west, and all the streets run East West, and are numbered from number 1 in the north to 128 on the border with Illinois.  If you are heading for 7426 27th Avenue, you know to find it between 74th and 75 street.  It was basically very easy.
There are some complications. One is that the major roads are also known by their state numbers, so that 104th street is also route 165, and 7th street is also route 50. Another is that you cannot just turn up any street or avenue and expect to get where you want, as some are discontinuous. You get to learn which streets (80th 85th 104th) and which Avenues (22nd 39th) will get you through rather than deliver you to a dead end. Choosing a road with traffic lights at the junction is a good clue.  Then some roads run at angles to the grid system, or take different numbers as they weave around.  Sheridan Road, also route 32, is 13th Ave in toward the south and 9th Avenue near the town centre.  Even with the complications, we managed to get almost everywhere without the need of a map.
Back in the UK I looked at the Google map of Racine, the neighbouring town to the north.  It was most confusing! Most of the roads had names instead of numbers, Avenues ran East West as well as North South,  and so did the streets. I am glad we were not so adventurous as to look there, I have no idea how they manage.

So, on to the final story, which was second to last night. I was grateful to our hosts, who had lent the car for driving us home at the end of the festivities on the Saturday. On the Friday night I drove home, starting with dropping one family member off elsewhere. The first leg of the journey was fine, but shortly after restarting there were flashing lights from a police car behind, so I came to a stop, and the police stopped some distance behind.
I do not often get stopped in this or any other country, and did not see any problem with getting out and making my way to them to see what the problem was. They were quick and forceful in making sure I understood I was to get back in the car. It was not a pleasant experience. It turned out I had forgotten to turn the lights back on after the stop, so after a lot of questions, when he eventually let us go on, I was glad to be making my way with lights on the rest of the journey.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

A Father's Blessing

John & Kim, dearly loved, greatly treasured, highly esteemed.

As you have each been as individuals, so may you ever be, and all the more so, as a married couple.

May the son of man, who did not come to be served, but to serve, and give his life as a ransom for many, be your helper as you learn to love and serve each other in marriage.

May the Lord lead you and bless you richly, in friendship, in hospitality, in parenting, in mentoring, in ministry, in witness, in music, and in celebration.

And in all that the Lord leads you into, may you ever find time and space for one another in the marriage, so that you will each know yourselves, to be loved, treasured and esteemed by the other.

June 23rd 2012.

Wednesday, August 08, 2012

Marc Chagall

February last year four of us went to Nice, and we visited the Marc Chagall museum. We walked from our hotel, and up the hill near the flyover. Presumably there is a car park, but from the gate we went in we saw a garden, ticket office and shop to the left, a conservatory housing a cafe to the right, and the single storey museum ahead.
The museum houses three major collections, a biblical series, and two on the Song of Solomon, one by Chagall, and one by another artist.  We looked at the biblical scenes first, and that is what I recall most. There is also a cinema showing a film about the artist, that did not hold my attention, as it was in French. Along the side there is a big stained glass window, and there are three sets of sketches he made in designing them.
The first painting in the biblical collection is Abraham, and that is the one I remember most vividly.  It shares many of the features found in the other paintings.
The first thing I noticed was the scale. These are large paintings filling up large sections of wall.  Each one hung in its own section of wall, and was very imposing.
There are broad blocks of vibrant colour, the angels are blue, with white wings, all against a red background. Other paintings had broad blocks of colour. One of the garden of Eden was largely green, with a bright bush of with lots of bright colours, and the one of the flood was unusual for having mainly brown.
Line was an important part of each composition. The angels sat at a horizontal table, and their wings made fairly vertical lines, while a separate scene off the the top right was separated by wide arc.  Other paintings were notable for their juxtaposition of straight and curved lines at different angles.
Another thing that impressed me was the texture. Large blocks of the Abraham painting were red background, but none of it was plain red. The whole area was a rich mixture of brushstrokes, giving a vivid interest without detracting from the characters in the painting.
It was a feature of many of the paintings to have smaller subsidiary scenes tucked away in part of the canvas. Sometimes this was another episode from the same story, in others, it was images from elsewhere or recent past.  Another feature was rather strange fanciful animals that filled up parts of the canvas.
By the end we had become quite familiar with his style, and can often recognise his paintings when we meet them somewhere else now.
My recollection of the Song of Solomon series was that they were generally lighter and brighter, with pale or white backgrounds.
We ended the visit with some lunch in the cafe, which we ate at one of the tables out on the grass.  Here we took some pictures of the palms growing, which proved almost as inspirational as the museum.
So, there it is. It has taken me eighteen months to write it, but I guess it is easier to write more succinctly looking back than nearer the time.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Laser at Killington

I had a great introduction to sailing the KSA club laser this weekend. I was encouraged when I arrived on Saturday morning to find another club member had been sailing it, so it must be all present and correct. I was discouraged that the lake was largely flat and he was bringing it in because there was not enough wind. But I saw how the mast fit together and noticed the spare boom which would have confused me otherwise. When, after looking at the map to plan a walk and chatting to the people doing a power boat lesson... the wind seemed to be picking up a little, I gave it a go.
I was confused at first looking for a halyard, until I realised the sail slides onto the mast. The boat has a very long main sheet, and a very long out haul, all tied up neatly round the boom. I used this to hook the dagger board onto, because I could not find anywhere better.
It was a very gentle wind, and a nice gentle introduction to boat. It moved along quit nicely in the light wind, though it did not feel like it when sailing with the wind, the stream of water at the stern showed it was so. Later the wind grew a little stronger and there was a reassuring splash of water from the bows as well.  I found the tiller very low over the stern, so that it caught against the cleat on the deck.  Altogether the boat felt very secure, probably slightly less tippy than the RS Feva always feels after the Wayfarer.
There was some sunshine, and there were dark clouds, and the lake looked very beautiful at points.
I brought the boat in gently enough, with the sail gently flapping, then I took the gooseneck off, which was a mistake. The sail curved nicely, and started pulling the boat away from me. I started untying the long end of the out hall, till I realised that all that was needed was to unclip the hook at the clew.  Packing up the boat was OK, except that several of the ties are missing from the cover.

The next day was quite a different experience, with a force 4 or 5 wind. The sea scouts were out in force, John the rower was there a younger realtive, and there was a club member sailing a Pico with his daughter. Later the strong winds brought out a couple of windsurfers as well.
The laser certainly zipped across the lake at an impressive speed, which was very exhilarating. The boat was responsive, and felt very reassuring. I could understand why it is a popular boat for racing.
I capsized twice, and it was easy enough to right, and to climb back on board. The second time I noticed the rudder was out of its catch, (not sure whether that caused the capsize?) and I was unwilling to right the boat until I had fixed it securely. It was a bit a a struggle locating it above the water, and I was impressed that the boat had not turned turtle in the delay. By the time I was back on the boat the sea scout safety boat had arrived, which was good of them.
The scariest moment was during a gust while sailing with the wind. I felt out of control of the boat, none of the normal instincts kicked in. I have never needed to do more than avoid a jibe when sailing downwind before. The boat started swaying from side to side which was disconcerting, so I turned from a broad reach to a beam reach and it felt much better.
The sheet had just one pulley, which I found not much in the strong wind. The centre main was fitted with ratchet block, but even set as tight as possible I still found holding the sheet quite heavy. So I found my self using the cleats, despite the risk.  I found there are two ways of getting wet using cleats. I avoided the obvious one, not being able to let the sheet out in a gust, but when you tighten the sheet, but fail to get the cleat to grip properly before you let go, the boom swings out, and the boat tips back, and that was my third dip of the day.
I never quite found how to avoid the sheet getting caught occasionally round the stern of the boat. It was easy enough to turn to wind and release it, but you would not want to be doing that in a race or in a more crowded lake.
All of which makes the boat sound quite a handful to control, which was not the impression I had at all. It felt very secure, impressively sporty and a lot of fun.  A great couple of hours sailing.

Thursday, June 28, 2012


Kenosha has a beautiful shoreline on the banks of Lake Michigan.

To the south, we did not visit Kensosha Sand Dunes or Southport Park, but I did contemplate the lake from the jetty in the grounds of the Kemper Center, which houses the Anderson Arts Center. Just along from there is the beach, by Eichelman Park, and Southport Marina, and the three museums, Public, Civil War and Dinosaur.

We left these to visit for another day, choosing instead to while away our time by the harbour, as often as not at Haborside Common Grounds.  We did venture north, past a second marina catering only for power boats, but we were otherywise engaged during concert that takes place each Wednesday night in summer at the Bandshell in Pennoyer Park. Our journey took us to the campus of Carthage College, where John studies, which was just beautiful. We did not see any litter anywhere.

Away from the shoreline, Kenosha (population 99,218) has plenty of amenities and industry, but has a relaxed, small town feel. The roads are wide and spacious, the traffic is generally light, and driving is easy. The cities of Milwaukee and Chicago are about an hour's drive away. We went to watch the Milwaukee Brewers play the Toronto Bluejays at Basketball at Miller Park - a great game, with a 10 - 9 scoreline, and several of our group ventured into Chicago where they enjoyed the great architecture.  We also went west as far as Lake Geneva and saw some scenery that was not so flat as the rest.

For many, the attraction of Kenosha lies near the junction of 60th Street and 39th Avenue - Living Light Church. It is here that they run the Living Light School of Worship, a nine month course pursuing Christian Maturity, Music, and other aspects of Worship. That is what brought our son John to Kenosha, and introduced him to friends at Living Light and around the world.

He never went with the intention of staying, but now he is married and living in Kenosha. That is, for us at least, the greatest attraction of Kenosha.

Thursday, May 31, 2012

The Armed Man

The Armed Man by Karl Jenkins is an amazing work, and surely all the better for being performed live, as it was last Saturday at the Liverpool Philharmonic Hall by the Liverpool Welsh Choral Union and the Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by the composer.

It is called a Mass, and has some traditional elements of a Mass, such as Kyrie and Agnus Dei, but it also draws material from different times and parts of the world.

It is called a Mass for Peace, but the title, and the liberal use of drums, gives parts of it a quite militaristic feel. Sanctus, one of the pieces which I was somewhat familiar with from classic FM, seems almost incongruous with the drum beat that underpins it.  One piece, called the charge, more than any other catches the excitement of war, and the way man gets dragged into the lust of battle.

But if it catches the adrenalin of war, it catches also the horror of war.  One of the pieces is a poem written by a Japanese person emerging from the ruins of Hiroshima, and ancient Indian piece called Torches is very graphic.  There is a one moment where the choir lets out a noise somewhere between a wail and a scream.

It is difficult to view it as a religious work, as it draws material from Christian, Moslem and Hindu sources, as well as secular poets. Even so, it is a spiritual work.  It starts with a call to prayer, and after celebrating and lamenting war it calls on the lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world. Finally, after ringing out the old and ringing in the new, there are the words from revelation.. God will wipe away the tears..there shall be no more death or sorrow. It has the subject matter to be depressing, but it is, ultimately a work of hope.

All these great themes are well expressed in music, making it a very varied evening, an emotional roller coaster. As well as some big moments, making full use of the sizeable choir and orchestra, with generous use of brass and percussion, there are some beautifully lush pieces. Outstanding amongst these is the Benedictus, with an exquisite cello solo.

The four soloists were good, but spent most of the evening waiting their turn, it is certainly the choir that is centre stage. They were joined at the end by the fifth soloist, and 11 year old lad of Yemeni background from Childwall school who performed the Moslem call to prayer from the back of the orchestra near the start.

It was good watching Karl Jenkins conduct, his baton movements were very precise. It was especially good when he was conducting the choir, putting down the baton and controlling the choir with precise hand gestures.

In the first half we Te Deum, also by Karl Jenkins, followed by Elgar Serenade for strings, conducted by the leader of the orchestra. All part of a great evening.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012


Burnbanks is a model village built to house the workers building the Haweswater dam in the 1930s. I walked from the village to the nearby bridge over Haweswater Beck.  It was very pleasant wandering amongst the bluebells in the dappled sunshine.

After walking amongst the bluebells, I reached Haweswater beck. 

The private grounds on the other side of the bridge are laid out as a Lord of the Ring themed nature walk, with a guide available from the house down the road.  I did not do the walk, but just took a couple of pictures of the bridge. 

Shap Abbey

The abbey was situated on the banks of the River Lowther

On the way from the car park to the abbey, a tile is set into a post y the bridge

Of all the buildings, only the tower is still standing

The River Lowther

The primroses on the river bank looked very fresh, even in May

The primroses enticed me onto the far bank for a close look

It was well worth clambering down from the path for a closer look at the Primroses on the river bank

The Abbey stood on the banks of the river

The tower is not what it was, but is still standing

Near Bampton

Tuesday, May 22, 2012


looking across the lake

steep cliffs by the roadside

Gorse growing by the roadside

The path leading up the hillside looked very inviting.....

.... and gave me some views from a higher perspective

A lonely tree that used to grow atop a cliff

Strata showing in the rocks

A lonely tree growing on the moorland

A wide expanse of moorland

Two trees near the water's edge

An incised river valley

An Island near the far end of the lake

Waterfall on a stream flowing into the lake

The far end of the lake was sheltered, very still, and gave clear reflections

A hill reflected in the still water

As I left I admired the dam that created the lake in 1940