Wars of the Roses

With thanks to Historical Novels, especially those by Phillipa Gregory, I am beginning to understand the Wars of the Roses.  Here is my attempt to introduce the topic

The brief narrative.

In the Wars of the Roses, the Lancastrian and York branches of the Royal family vied for power. Edward Duke of York ousted the Lancastrian King Henry VI on 4th March 1461, and reigned as Edward IV for over 20 years until his death on 9th April 1483, except for the seven months between 3rd October 1470 and 11th April 1471, when Henry VI was briefly restored.
From 1483 Edward's younger brother reigned as Richard III, after ousting Edward's twelve year old son, who was proclaimed Edward V, but never crowned. The period of York rule ended at the Battle of Bosworth Field on 22 August 1985 when Richard was killed. After his coronation, The Lancastrian Henry VII married Edward IV eldest daughter uniting the houses of York and Lancaster.

The Decisive Battles.

Towton 29 March 1461. Fought in driving snow, with upwards of 35,000 fighting on each side, this brought about the largest ever loss of English lives in a single day. A Yorkist victory, this consolidated the rule of Edward IV.

Tewkesbury 4 May 1471, Preceded by the battle of Barnet the previous month, when Richard 'Kingmaker' Neville died and followed by the death of Henry VI, this battle saw the death of the Lancastrian heir, Edward Price of Wales.

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