Saturday, November 15, 2008

Lancaster Canal & Thwaite Brow

When we left Liverpool in a fine grey drizzle, I did not expect to be enjoying a pleasant stroll along the Lancaster canal at lunchtime.
I had not brought boots or rucksack. I had not even brought a map. If I had, I would probably have gone from Nether Kellet to Crook o'Lune to rejoin the motorway. Instead I ended up at Bolton le Sands, and walked along a stretch of the canal which runs at the back of the houses in the village, along to Thwaite Brow.

The highlight was certainly seeing a Kingfisher, a bright flash of turquoise darting about on the bank. I did hang about trying unsuccesfully to catch a picture, but no luck there. I would not have seen it at all had another walker not pointed it out to me.

On Thwaite Brow I met a someone with a better camera than mine, taking pictures of fungi, about which he was very knowledgeable. I was hoping for a view across to Carnforth and Warton, but Thwaite Brow is wooded, and makes a good backdrop to the Canal.

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