Monday, August 17, 2009

The Little Stranger - Sarah Waters

When Dr Faraday calls to attend a sick servant girl at the Hundreds, he finds the house a little more delapidated than he remembers when he attended a prize giving there once in his childhood. Then he finds himself taking tea with the Ayres, who retain their grace and charm through all the troubles that the post war period presents to the once grand families. So it is that he begins an unlikely friendship with the family for whom his mother once worked as a domestic servant.

But the family have more than a reduced income from the estate, Roddy's injury from the war and a house they cannot afford to maintain to contend with. As they weather a series of unfortunate events they begin to wonder whether, something about the house, some little stranger, is working against them. Or perhaps it can all be explained by an overwought mind and imagination? Dr. Faraday is concerned for their welfare, and has his medical training to guide him.

As the events move on, the slow beginning is left behind, and there is no shortage of drama and excitement. Even Dr Faraday is caught up in his own drama before we reach the end of the story. You might consider the ending unsatisfying, but I don't think so. I hope that, like me, you will have been well entertained along the way.

With thanks to David, who lent me his book, signed by the Author.

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