Friday, December 31, 2010

Last Sailing

It was a beautiful day on Saturday 20 November, sunshine, a steady force 2 breeze, a wonderful day for sailing at Killington.  There are just two things that might have made it better.  I was the only person sailing at Killington that day, and it is usually more fun with someone else on the lake as well.
After a very enjoyable couple of hours, I brought the boat in and was intending to tie it onto the jetty. Thinking that I had come in a little too fast, I came alongside the jetty but then started getting pushed back along its length.  That would have been alright but I had forgotten about the pulley, and I ended up with the main sail pushed back against the pulley. I could not sail away, and I could not lower the main sail either.  Eventually I did get away with a tear in the main sail, but then the wind was taking me past the slipway to the weir, and with the main sail lowered I could not sail back upwind. Happily I was able to jump out into shallow water and drag the boat back to the slipway.  A sad ending to an otherwise enjoyable days sailing.

Sunday 21 November was a slightly colder day, but plenty of people around as they came for the Sunday racing.  I was going to go out in the RS Feva, but then a friend of Jack's said why not sail with him in his father's Lark. He was not very familiar with the boat, and we were still completing the rigging when the race started, but we were soon ready, and set off in hot pursuit. A minor part of the delay was adding a second extension to the tiller, with a view to leaning out.  However I was a bit hesitant to lean out too far as the boat seemed very quick to right itself when the wind dropped or was pointed closer into the wind. We ended up not pursuing the other boats, but just getting the feel of the boat ourselves.
The wind strengthened to a force 3 at times, and we had quite a lot of fun.  I had the helm for a bit, and I got the impression of a boat that was a little faster and a little more tippy than a wayfarer.  We could have started the second race, but I was a bit pressured for time, and it was getting a little cold. In the end it was a tug  of war between the cold, persuading us to go in, and the stronger breeze, persuading us to stay and enjoy the fun.

That turned out to be the final day's sailing of the year.  I was intending to come up the following Sunday, but that was when the cold weather began.

When I came back on the weekend after that, Sunday 6th December, the boat had two inches of snow, and the lake was frozen over.

It was very beautiful.

Now the seats and floor boards are stored in the shed, with the Jib, while the mainsail is still with Pete Lawson for repair.

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