Saturday, January 07, 2012

Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol

I was looking forward to a quiet evening in last night when David rang and asked if I wanted to see Mission Impossible IV - Ghost Protocol at the iMax at 9.30pm? It was a big evening.
The first  big thing is the zigzag staircase to the Odeon at Liverpool one; the secret is to go behind it to the escalator behind. The second big thing was the ticket price, at £12.60 it is not cheap. The next big decision was whether to buy an overpriced drink; I opted for a Ben & Jerry ice cream instead.
It is a big experience watching an iMax film. The screen is large and the sound is impressive. The seats are comfortable and tiered quite steeply, so there is no problem if you have a tall person in front.  The front seats, designated premium were all empty; I dread to think how much they would be.
The film was ideal for iMax, stunning shots from sky scrapers and lots of action, and explosions. They certainly looked and sounded great. The experience was good, but was it a good film?
Well, although it is called Ghost Protocol, it is nothing to do with ghosts. The protocol just means they have no contact with any superiors, which just means there is no need to disobey orders or possibility of being betrayed from above.
The action takes us from Budapest, to a Moscow prison, to the Kremlin, to Dubai, and then Mumbai. Tick.
There is a blonde assassin and an attractive agent who has a task attracting attention from a playboy character at a lavish party. Tick.
One of the team is a computer whiz who can hack into computers and take control of systems at a moment's notice.  Tick.
At one point Ethan climbs up the outside of a sky scraper, discarding one of the high tech gloves that starts to malfunction. Tick.
There are multiple high speed car journeys, including one mega car chase ending in a front end collision. Tick.
There is a scene where everything has gone wrong and the team are incriminating each other, and secrets from their past come tumbling out. Tick.
Nuclear catastrophe is avoided with just a few seconds to spare. Tick (Woops, I have given the end away!)
There is a clandestine operation inside the Kremlin, and a tense scene exchanging money and codes between two sets of simultaneous negotiations. Tick
There are gun fights, fist fights, and a fight on several levels in a multi storey car park, which lifts and ramps. Tick.
It does seem to have all the right ingredients, and was a lot of fun.

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