Sunday, March 15, 2015


Yesterday I did my first trip up Ingleborough. Having visited High Bentham a few times, seeing the peak so close and enticing made it a very alluring goal.  I parked in the car park by the library in Ingleton, and bought a map and a scarf and some lunch, and made my way up on the bridleway that starts just outside the village on the road to Hawes.

On the way up, turning back to admire the view

A little higher, a little bit more to see

One o'clock, and a sheltered spot with a great view to eat my Fellsman Pie

The view North, to Whernside, one of the three peaks

The Snow was not new, and was quite grubby in places

The View to the Northeast, to Simon Fell

A view to the East, towards Pen-y-Ghent, one of the three peaks

A view to the South, of Little Ingleborough

Is it better to take a Selfie with a hat.....

... or without a hat?

A View of the peak on the journey down

A nice chocolate and banana muffin, eaten on the way down at the same spot as lunch on the way up.

Half Past two and the Sun starts to break through

A last admiring view of the peak on the way down

A zig zag River valley

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