Wednesday, February 01, 2017

Sophie and her Parents

Sophie Grace Garden is this week (by our time-bound reckoning) beginning a glorious and joyful eternity with her heavenly father, who loves her. There she will receive great honour, as Jesus said “But many who are first will be last, and many who are last will be first.”
Photo Credit:- Katie Garden

To many eyes, Sophie’s lot in this life was not great, and her hold on it was tenuous and brief.  Her condition of Down’s syndrome stood against her, and her heart condition ensured that her life was both brief and troubled.  

But she enjoyed what many do not - the love of a great Mum and Dad.

Danny and Katie are the greatest of parents, loving and standing up for their daughter, her fiercest advocate, her greatest champion, standing with her through thick and thin. Through them, we learnt to see Sophie not as someone to be pitied and feel sorry for, but as wonderful Sophie to be treasured and delighted in.  

Ever able to see the comedy in life they were able to communicate love and fun, even when sharing news that was difficult.

Thanks to Danny and Katie, we do not remember Sophie for all her troubles, but as the joyful fun loving little girl that she was.  You are an inspiration to us all.
Photo Credit: Jemma Orange



Unknown said...

Beautifully spoken. Thank you Mike, for your true words. They are remarkable indeed.

Anonymous said...

This is a lovely, moving piece of writing. I never met Sophie but knew Danny many years ago. My heart goes out to the family. It is a joy to know that she is with Jesus forever. God bless