Friday, October 24, 2008

Il y a longtemps que je t'aime

David took me to see a film on Wednesday. That does not mean he paid, but rather I would never have chosen to see it otherwise. He did arrange the transport home, suggesting we walk, rather than catch the bus.

I usually like films that have a car chase in them somewhere, so this was disappointing on that score. The title rather gives away that it is in French, with subtitles. It also has an English title “I’ve loved you so long”

The lead role was played by Kristin Scott Thomas, and it was a shock to realise that the sad tired weary woman being met at the airport in the opening sequence was her character. I still think of her from Four Weddings and English patient days. We soon learn that she has been in prison for fifteen years, and that the woman meeting her is her younger sister, played by Elsa Zyberstein – that is quite a name!

How Juliette settles into life, family, work, and the social scene is very poignantly portrayed, but always the central theme is the relationship between the two sisters. There are some very funny moments, some heart warming, and some excruciatingly awful, but all wonderfully portrayed. The film builds to a closing scene where the younger sister, who used to worship and still loves her big sister finds out what it really was that kept them apart these fifteen years.

Not a feel good film, still less a car chase one, but very moving and inspiring, despite the weakness of the plot at the end.

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